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26-11-2023 true Europe/London Jazz by SeptNoir Trio London, UK
  • Date Sun 26th November
  • Time 15:00 - 16:30
  • Location Bunk Utrecht
  • Cost Free

SeptNoir is a modern jazz trio formed at the Utrecht Conservatory. The trio consists of Jonas Hormann on piano, Matija Mitrovic on bass, and Damian de Muijnck on drums. After a successful start with performances at venues such as the main hall of Tivolivredenburg, Le Guess Who Festival, ZeelandJazz, and Ujazz Festival, the trio is working on producing more original work. They will soon release their first EP. The trio blends influences from greats like Avishai Cohen, Shai Maestro, Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet, Tigran Hamasyan, Lyle Mays, and Brad Mehldau with their own musical backgrounds. The result is intense collaboration, surprising and intricate rhythms mixed with adventurous and rich harmonies, delivering a clear narrative to the audience.

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