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12-08-2024 true Europe/London Creatieve crafting by Britt Dorenbosch London, UK
  • Date Mon 12th August
  • Time 19:00 - 21:00
  • Location Bunk Utrecht
  • Cost €11,20

Do you remember the days of cutting up craft paper, gluing random glitter and feathers, covering your hand in paint and slapping it onto your finished art project? This workshop is all about flashing back to those good old days. Britt Dorenbosch has taken kids crafting and made it adult-friendly.

In a series of events this summer, Britt will guide you through a variety of classic crafts. It’s like meditating, but better. For this week, we’re doing some etching, like lino printing but on drink cartons. Let’s get to crafting!

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